8 Easy Ways to Conserve Energy And Electricity


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3. Insulate the boiler to make sure it operates efficiently.

how to conserve energy at home

Insulating your doors and windows is only half the battle when it comes to saving money on gas bills—the other important aspect of heating efficiency is ensuring that your boiler itself isn’t wasting energy. It would be wise to call a professional who can address each problem individually and keep your costs down.

It is important to keep your boiler in good working order. The best way to do this is by having it serviced regularly. A professional will be able to identify any issues and make sure that everything is running efficiently.

4. Spend fewer minutes in the bathroom each day

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girl spending time in the bathroom

A short shower uses less water than a hot bath, so you can save money by minimizing the amount of time spent in the tub. Shorter showers—up to four minutes long—save even more water.

If you want to save even more money, consider installing a low-flow showerhead. These devices use between one and two gallons of water per minute, which is significantly less than the standard four to six gallons per minute found on most showerheads.

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