She Notices a Strange Line On Her Baby’s Toe And Warns Other Moms


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A Sudden Emergency

Heather frickies

Upon discovering the mark, Heather and her husband immediately took Jacob to the hospital. They didn’t hesitate to cancel the party to prioritize their child, and they would be glad they did when they found out what was wrong. They were in for a horrible experience, one that affected them so strongly they felt the need to warn other parents about it so they could avoid going through the same thing.

To the Hospital

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A mark

It all began when Heather noticed a small mark on Jacob’s toes that looked like a hair, and was no larger than a thread. On its own, some people might say this wouldn’t be worth worrying about. But Heather and her husband would disagree. They removed as much of the hair as they could, and then made the decision to take Jacob to the hospital right away, rather than risk the chance of it becoming a larger problem.

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