Love: 15 signs that announce the end


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Gifts and Gestures No Longer Have Any Effect on Him

Signs that announce the end

Can you recall how happy he gets each time you bring a gift home? He will smile widely at you, and then give you a small kiss on the forehead. He will then try to do something nice for you as well, to show he cares. But now, it’s different. He no longer looks forward to your gifts, nor cares about gifting you. The indifference is real in his expressions and the way he silently mutters his thanks. When you notice these signs, it’s time to do something.


He no longer reads your messages as soon as he receives them

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Signs that announce the end

You might find yourself reminiscing about the earlier days when it felt like one couldn’t do without the other. You will chat all day long and sleep late at night. The voice calls and video calls were a daily routine for you. And the smiles never left your face. He left you very sweet voice notes anytime he was busy at work and couldn’t talk. Now, it’s all different. He rarely opens your chats, and when he does, he leaves it on reading. Then reply at his convenience.


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