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When 92-year-old Julie was locked out of her beloved supermarket, she was in shock. The store manager had no clue who she was or what she was capable of. So when she returned a few days later, Julia was ready to tell the story of her “happy place”. Julia didn’t have a lot of time for herself. But when she did have time, she made the most of it.
Going to the supermarket gave her a sense of relaxation and freedom. It also gave her the chance to walk around and stretch out her legs.
Something wrong
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However, the manager couldn’t shake the feeling that something was amiss about Julia. Even though he was watching her closely, he couldn’t find a good enough reason to banish her from the store. All he could come up with was that she was “uncomfortable” and “distracted.”
Planning something big
The floor manager was looking for a way to banish Julia from the shop for good. Her manager wouldn’t consider banning anyone unless it was a serious offence like shoplifting. He decided to pull a stunt on her the following day. He watched her busy inspecting the pantry and approached her. She was wearing her best smile as she served the customer. “Hey, I can help you with that,” he said. She mumbled something about “no, thanks” and went on her way. On the way out, he slipped a tiny but expensive bottle into her purse.