Here’s why you should crush a cucumber before eating it.


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Cucumbers are highly nutritious, and they contain a variety of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

They are also very beneficial for our health because they help reduce blood pressure, prevent diabetes and heart disease, improve digestion and even fight cancer. Cucumbers are delicious in salads and snacks, and many of us keep cucumber pickles at home. But did you know that before eating a cucumber, you could actually “mash” it? We’ll explain how this works.

mash a cucumber in bag

Better taste

We usually wash and cut cucumbers into pieces before serving them. But there is another method that wouldn’t include cutting them into rings apparently, people who enjoy eating cucumber insist that it should be mashed beforehand. Using a knife, gently flatten the cucumber with its skin. Mashing not only flavors it better but also allows other ingredients in your salad to be absorbed more easily by the vegetable.

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mash a cucumber in desh

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