The family bought the dog, but the vet called the police as soon as he saw it


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Do you know how some people around us try to be philosophical when they say “things are not always what they seem”? Well, this is no philosophy. Here we have to deal with a family who owns the sweetest, good-looking dog in all of their neighbourhood and then get the greatest shock afterwards. Here we go!

Yunnan is a town in China blessed with plenty of amazing nature to look at, and Amy, a Chinese, lives in this beautiful tropical province with her family. For the longest time, this charming woman and her family have desired to add a furry friend to their family, and on this faithful day, they finally visit the pet store to adopt one. Not long after a walk in the store, looking around for the perfect addition to their family, she sighted the most adorable fuzzy and bubbly puppy whose dreamy eyes held her gaze. There and then, Amy knew she was going to take this dog home with her.

vet dog

Latest member of the Wang Family

 With the chills and butterflies that this charming little dog was giving an entire family, we could call it love at first sight. There was no need to do any more consulting. They already decided this dog was going home with them; after all, ‘love is all that matters.  But of course, before leaving the store, the family inquired about the dog’s breed from the store manager, and he assured them it was a Tibetan Mastiff. Amy was particularly delighted about this newfound friend her family was about to enjoy, and from his colour, they named him ‘Blackie’. Definitely not cliche.

Unexplainable Traits

While the family was still getting used to their dog, Amy could already observe some unexplainable behaviours from her little cutie not long after arriving home. These behaviours were striking because it was unlike any dog they had ever seen before, so it was quite strange. For one, he had a very large appetite and wasn’t the type who loved bones and other usual dog food like other dogs, and so this didn’t just seem unique, it also caught the family off-guard since they’d now have to brainstorm on what to feed this special dog.

Every day, the puppy ate two buckets of pasta and a box of fruit. The adorable puppy also barked in a very outlandish manner; it was so unusual that they could miss that it was a bark. It sounded more like a howl than the everyday “woof” one would get from every dog.

Maybe Amy and her family expected a few strange behaviours because the store manager had already informed them that Tibetan Mastiffs are unique. Still, these acts on display didn’t quite cut a ‘few strange behaviours’. However, Blackie, this beautiful, charming puppy, seemed to love his time with Amy’s family, who were happy to take care of him, and he was enjoying them too.

However, Amy ended up back at the pet store, and we wonder why this would be happening.

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