Mother sells her daughter’s bed and 3 days later the buyer makes an incredible discovery


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The exact price of what it was worth was yet to be seen.

The buyer’s message went further. The next day, she took the crib to an auction house to be told how much it cost. She was truly intrigued by this discovery


And indeed, it turned out that this ancient crib was at least 200 years old. A real find for this single mom! She couldn’t believe that a crib could last so many years.

A mystery

She could only think of a single question. But exactly how much it cost, the appraiser couldn’t estimate either. “It’s a beautiful specimen, but I can’t put a price on it,” she told him.

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The mystery

“It’s just a matter of what people are willing to pay for it …” she answered him. And it was true. The value of things is sometimes determined by the person making the purchase, and how much they are willing to spend.

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