Dia tidak pernah buang kulit oren dan ini sebab rakyat Malaysia perlu tahu mengenainya!


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orange peel
Source: Consejosytrucos.co

We never knew you could do this with just a little orange peel!

Oranges are full of vitamins and they taste delicious too! Everyone knows that oranges are a great source of vitamin C and they also help you get an adequate supply of folic acid. It is a great fruit!

But did you know that you can make something really fun with those leftover orange peels? 

Homemade scented candles

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lemon peel
Source: Consejosytrucos.co

Do you know? If you peel an orange in half and scoop out the inside, you can make something really beautiful. You can make your own scented candles!

Two beautifully cut pieces of orange peel can serve as a small bowl. It is a cheap and practical alternative, compared to if you buy all kinds of expensive scented candles in the store. Plus, it’s a fun and easy craft project that will make your house smell great!

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