Dog slept next to little boy – reason revealed the next morning!


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Rex looked panicked as he sat outside Tommy’s room and started scratching at the door. When Adam opened the door and let Rex in, he headed straight for Tommy’s bed, Adam and Jennifer thought this was cute and thought it was fine for them to sleep together as long as Rex didn’t wake Tommy up.

Rex, on the other hand, continued his strange behavior. Every night he sat outside Tommy’s room and scratched at the door.

What exactly was the problem?

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The family looked around their son’s room in amazement. Why would Rex want to sleep on their son’s bed every night? They started to search their son’s room but found nothing. When they started to stop the search, they shrugged their shoulders,

“Maybe it’s because this is Rex’s favorite place,” they thought. However, the truth didn’t really matter. When they opened the door to their son’s room the next day, they were terrified…

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