Mother sells her daughter’s bed and 3 days later the buyer makes an incredible discovery


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The bidding continued

350,000 … 500,000 dollars … At one … At two … SOLD! The buyer could not believe all this. In truth, this was truly implausible, even for people used to bidding.

The final price

She had become absurdly rich in the blink of an eye and all for a bed! But she owed this great fortune to someone else. So she decided to do something very special for Karen …

She could not believe it

Karen couldn’t believe what had happened either. She read the message at least six times before realizing what this meant. The crib buyer was so grateful that she wanted to share the money with her.

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Message from the buyer

So she would soon receive 500,000 on her account. This got Karen out of a lot of financial trouble and not only would she be able to send her daughter on a school trip, but she too would have enough money to pay for her future studies!

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