15 Foods For Your Arteries And Heart


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5/15 Olive Oil

Olive Oil
Medical News Today

This next heart healthy item should really be a staple in any kitchen. When I cook with olive oil, it takes me back to Europe, in a beautifully natural-lit kitchen with spacious marble counters and snow falling outside. Olive oil is a versatile cooking tool that can be used to make homemade dressings, fry with, and, ultimately, keep your heart healthy. Olive oil is high in antioxidants, which can reduce inflammation and chronic disease and is also packed with monounsaturated fats. Mix with minced garlic, a dash of sea salt and pepper, a squeeze of lemon and drizzle of your favorite salad or baked potato. Make sure to replace vegetable oil (oil that be high in trans fats) with olive oil in your daily cooking routine.

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