Your washing machine sparkling clean in 1 minute? That’s how you do it!


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Can’t make your washing machine dirt-free? Dangerous!

Washing machines are easy to maintain with this simple tip. And you really have to do it. Because it can sometimes be quite dangerous if you let this be devoured! Leaving the dirt in place (even if it’s just a little) can be dangerous. Don’t believe me? Let me explain it to you.

When you leave dust, dirt, and other unwanted junk in the washing machine, it quickly accumulates. This causes hoses and other drains to become clogged and your machine can overheat. And with programs that reach temperatures of 90 degrees, this overheating can even turn into a fire.

Source: Mirror

You also have to protect the socket, which is of course close to the device. In the event of a flood due to a blockage, water and electricity can quickly cause a nasty short circuit. So you really need this hack to keep everything spotless. Do this at least once a month and everything is okay. On the next page we will give you the necessities to prevent all this misery.

Here’s what you need:

  1. Detergent
  2. Lemon
  3. Soda
  4. Non-abrasive sponge
  5. Cleaning cloths
  6. Old toothbrush
  7. Tweezers

Step 1: Cleaning detergent tray and water reservoir

Do you have a water tank that is still fully filled with the contents of your previous wash? Then that is the first step you have to go through. Turn the valve and hold a low bucket under the end of the tube. Here can then run all the water that was still in the machine. I always use a pan for this and this works perfectly.

Then apply a mixture of soda and water to both places. Make sure it has the thickness of a thin paste. Without it going to 1 point, but thin enough that it is pleasantly spreadable. And now comes the wonderful chemical reaction. Take the lemon juice and pour it over the mixture. Then quickly close valves and drawers so that fumes cannot escape. The chemical reaction creates a thick foam that reaches the smallest cracks of your device.

Now all you have to do is wait and eventually everything can be removed from a microfiber cloth with one swipe.Wondering how we do this with the drum and especially those annoying rubber edges?

One hint: you need a toothbrush!

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Source: Youtube

                                      Read more on the next page!

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